Saturday, August 19, 2006

Alright yall it's almost saturday, we are frantically working trying to get my new shop up for you. here's a "sneak-peak" of the i know its not much lol. but its gunna be awesome when its done I promise. Mucho kudo's to Cornbread Yaffle for building it for me, and Alexis Armitage for the ideas behind the interior! i went to the "mad mothers against greifer's" protest. here's a pic from that. It was great seeing how many people were there supporting this cause. It makes me sick thinking of these people have sex with child avatars.

well there's my updates. tommorow comes the 5 big clothing releases and the newwwww/newold hair!!! :D lol

Friday, August 18, 2006

Some people..

Some people are so mature let me tell you..I guess they are so hurt that we are no longer friends that they bought land behind me and Nev's shops to put up their shop, and are making alt's to fuck with us. How sweet. *rolls eyes* Get over it. please. your not bothering me or Nev, when it's so easy to mute you. And the whole buying land behind us. go ahead keep wasting money we dont care.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

wow. Post time. I have been working my little toosh off lately. Trying to get Sinful City up and running, and getting my new hair out.. Hopefully this saturday my hair will be done and ready for release. all my shops will be getting a makeover, no more hair in vendors. Hair will be in packs...

Packs of four colors (100L) and then the "wretched pack" (500L) which will have all 24 colors.
Here's a sneak peak look at the packs and new look for my hair.

Also I will have ATLEAST 5 new outfits up for release this saturday

First I have my Vision Outfit...( i really dont know where these names come from)
It's kind of a classy army brat type outfit, Camo pants with a nice top.

Sander Flexi Gown...awesome red gown..with awesome beading down the front.

The Ellie outfit...i love it. I'm not gunna lie, i cant take it off my body. lol. It's so simply yet so cute, very simple colorable tube top and jeans...nothing special..just cute. lol

Earvin Outfit..(yet again, no idea with the names..) Comes with Grey Plaid gaucho pants and a lacey tank with beaded necklace attached...the top screams Madonna at me for some reason...very urban madonna. lol

and finally...*sigh* i love this outfit too My Garza outfit. Jeans with an awesome detailed belt, and a tank top with open slots on the chest..the top comes in 7 different colors.

so there's my sneak peak. :D enjoy!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ok well.. in my last post i gave props to Six for her awesome someone has completly stolen ALL and i mean ALL of her textures...same fucking pack names same everything. This girl had balls for the shit she did..lemme tell you. Me and Lexi decided to go to this girls shop to see the mess for ourselves, when we got there Canimal was there and shortly after Six came too. I feel really bad for Six, she is the sweetest thing I have ever met. I feel truley bad for anyone that has to deal with this shit, and i know that coming from me most of you will say "wow is she calling the kettle black" but if you knew the story you'd know. But back to the point. I really can not wait until this girl comes back online and see's the comments left on her blog, and the huge "Theif" box covering her store.

People lemme say this loud and clear. Secondlife may just be "a game" but people make real money off this "game". Don't fuck with their products. They did nothing to you, don't fuck with them. It's that simple. Hair textures are a bitch to make yes...but it's doable. So learn to do it. Try looking at tutorials and learn photoshop or paintshop the honest way, like I had to and every other designer in secondlife had to. Don't rip off people's crap because "your lazy" or you think "No one will notice", because, we will notice.

Six, I'm really sorry this shit happened to you. You are a sweetheart, and I hope my card cheered you up at least a little.

Ps. on a side note. I lost a few friends recently, and I cant say I'm all that upset about it. Everyone knows I'm better off not being affiliated with you, and now I'm not. So huzzah.

Saturday, August 12, 2006 I need to post
well..I made a new profile picture for huzzah for me and i released a bunch of new stuff for my shop, and there is going to be some huge changes coming soon with my hair, and my shop in general. Stay tuned for the changes, I'll update them when they are almost finished :P

Ok so big props to Cornbread Yaffle..for his sexy sexy new shoes. I love them alot.

Also...I have to give props to six...because i am officially obsessed with her August check our her shop if you havent already and pick up that damn hair..right now. GO. Are you going yet?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ok...So i decided to cave in and get a joyous for me right? lol

Well after a long and eventful day in SL, I am finally sitting here and taking a break, I have 6..count em 6 new releases today, most day's it takes me a week to come out with 6 new things...So...yea..go check em out...I went a lil nuts..and made a 27 Clothing item box for 100L...i'm nuts I know..but its cool