So tonight was Noam's 1st rez day! and Me, Trin, and Satine threw him a surprise rez day party Look how happy he is!!
we had tons of people there! Yay for Noam
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Anyone out there ever have their lip pierced? Cuz I woke up today and it's crazy swollen, i have half a fat lip....and I blame Zabitan for that for nicknaming me fat lip on skype yesterday lol.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
sooo..Ever wonder what some designer's do in their offtime?...
Shai and Sat...on the tub Trinitee, me, and Finn outside the tub LOL
Friday, January 19, 2007
In response to Trinitee's cute kitty This is my all time favorite kitty video, I crack up everytime I see it.
sooo yesterday I actually had a RL! went shopping at the garment district which is like a super cool indie store near my house, they have this section that is dollar a pound and you get a trash bag and crawl around piles of clothes and pay a dollar per pound i got a bunch of stuff! yay andddd then i went to my piercer and got my lip pierced so here's a pic. Just FYI it's swollen so it looks kinda funny but it's cuteee
that and i was wondering if someone would make me a layout for this blog. I'm blogger illiterate and I have no idea what to do to make it pretty lol... but my blog is borrrrrrring.
Thursday, January 18, 2007 stuff from and plushies...! yay plushies...loll
first is plushies....umm they are cute...dunno what else to say lol..