Sunday, September 24, 2006

new gowns :P

been busy...changed my shop name to .:Cavity:. and bought some land for my shop. woot woot. i'll update more later

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

whoo and I'm back. One new outfit and a lil plug for others lol

here's my plug. The spider on my head was made by the wonderful Grim Misfit, of Grim Babies it talks when you click all different colors and sounds available..they are awesome..

The headphones are from unpop (told ya I'd blog ya Gabby) lol they are so cool, and look awesome with this outfit haha

and i decided my avvie needed new eyes.. so i went over to pixel spa and picked up some new eyes they are sooo cute! check them out, she has tons.

and here's my release "School gal" it's very fitting for the fall season :P i love it!

Monday, September 11, 2006

ok...kinda bleh mood so i will be quick. here's the new shirts...Modeled by me and Misfit <3 haha he's gorgeous'll enjoy the pictures.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wow, i'm back again. lol

So yesterday was a horrible day for me irl..wont get into details, but lets just say my sadness makes me I made a crapload of new tshirts..They seem to be fan favorite so far, cant wait to release em. Today I spent my day having a yardsale with Nevaeh, we earned almost 30,000L just off the yardsale and donations towards our new island that we want. 30k in one day?! wow! I'm impressed to say the least. well thats all in Candi Land at the moment, i will post the tshirts when i get to it, they are awesome :D

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ok so last of my friends IM'd me and said i never update my blog..and she's right lol. I get so busy, i just forget i even have it. lol

But yea. I discovered a great store (unpop) about a month ago. Gabby <3 lol check out the shop, she is amazing

anddd i decided to put some of my other friends stuff up here *sorry Gabby, I'll blog your stuff next time :P*

So there's my avvie today, I'm in kind of a dark mood. can ya tell...

first off the hair done by the wonderous Satine Dot, from pervy in the park. her hair is amazing <33
the corsage was given to me by Misfit Grimes (one of the Grim babies brothers)


Glasses, earrings, and necklace all done by my bestbest friend Nevaeh Black from Sinful Shades (glasses to be released later this week)

And now to my shit.. lol here's a shitton of pics of my latest releases! <3

Danz hair named after one of my lovely customers. She won the name of the hair and a free Wretched Pack of the hair :D

<33 Join my update group it really pays off haha
